Under the auspices of the
United States
Nuclear Infrastructure Council
Coming Soon
Key Focuses
Trump Administration, Congress and Nuclear Energy:
Regulatory Reform
Infrastructure and Tax Policy
Nuclear Energy Legislation
U.S. Department of Energy Perspective
U.S. Department of Commerce Perspective
Future of Ex-Im Bank
Market Assessment & Outlook Drill-Down:
Global Market Drivers
China & Asia
UK, Europe & Middle East
Canada & The Americas
Competitive Landscape:
The Market States
The Players: U.S., Russia, France, South Korea, China
Emergence of Sovereign Consortiums
Doing Business in the Global Market:
Lessons Learned
Best Practices
Managing Regulation & Risk
Financing and Contracting
Government ABCs:
Export Controls
Civil Nuclear Trade Agreements
Promotion & Advocacy
Convention on Supplementary Compensation (CSC)
Emerging Market Opportunities:
New Build & Supply Chain
Technology Deployment
Backend & Decommissioning
For sponsorship opportunities please contact Caleb Ward at caleb.ward@usnic.org or (202) 332-8845.
Competing In The
World Nuclear Energy Marketplace
June 6-7 | Mayflower Hotel | Washington, DC